My Physio News

The Netball Knee Program

Injury Prevention and Performance Enhancement

Knees and ankles are the most commonly injured body parts of netballers and most of these injuries occur when landing. In particular injury to one of the major stabilisers of the knee, the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), is a common problem, representing roughly 25% of serious injuries annually.

Knowing all too well the devastation created by serious knee injuries, Netball Australia’s KNEE Program is designed to prevent them occurring. Whether you are a coach to your  child’s netball team, high performance coach, support staff or parent, this program is  designed to keep your players on the court for longer and moving more effi ciently when there. As an athlete this program aims to keep you playing the sport you love without being sidelined by injury.


The KNEE Program is a courtside warm up to assist coaches in preparing their players to train and play. It targets how to land and how to move safely and efficiently.


Three tiers have been devised to target all netball populations:

  • Junior (10 – 14 years)
  • Recreational (14 years and above)
  • Elite (players who have been identified in the Talent, Elite and Mastery category of Netball Australia’s Player Pathway)


The KNEE Program is based on programs that have been proven effective in reducing lower limb injuries generally and specifically reducing ACL injuries from 40-70%. It will also improve efficiency of movement on court.


  • It should take no longer than 12-15 minutes each session.
  • Can be accessed with smart phone and tablet devices
  • Includes key program principles and coaching tips
  • Video demonstrations with voice over on each exercise
  • Downloadable resources you can take to the court

Research tells that implementation is the key to a successful injury prevention program. My Physio GESAC is accredited by Netball Australia, and is an Endorsed Provider of the Netball KNEE program. We are keen to see this vital resource implemented successfully at your club – your players deserve this! For further information contact My Physio on 1800 MY PHYSIO (1800 697 497) or (03) 9570 7181, or email

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MYPHYSIO now open in Carnegie

We are excited to announce a third MYPHYSIO clinic located in Carnegie, within the newly opened Carnegie Memorial Swimming Pool (CMSP). We are operating two consulting rooms in this state of art, retro styled complex.Our service offering will focus on Physiotherpay services. Additionally we will be conducting individual and group hydrotherapy consultations in the beautiful new hydrotherapy pool (which boasts stair, ramp and hoist access as well as an accessible spa area) – which is 30% larger than the Hydrotherpay pool at our GESAC facility. We will also be conducting Clinical Reformer sessions in the state-of-the-art CMSP Pilates Studio space, and will offer the GLAD program for Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis.


We know that more than half of adolescent athletes have played the sport when injured, and almost as many athletes report hiding or downplaying an injury so they could stay in the game. What are the possible consequences of playing with pain or injury? At what point does it become a problem? Should you tell anyone about it? We know that when you play with pain individual performance drops, and with that, so too does the overall performance of the team. You cannot play your role properly! Additionally, especially in overuse injuries (which account for over half of the injuries experienced by adolescent footballers), tissue damage can already have occurred prior to you feeling pain or performing poorly.

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“THE CORE”: Why it’s important and why clinical reformer at MY PHYSIO GESAC can improve it!

NEW Online Booking System – Book at your convenience – Physiotherapy and Allied Health Services

We have a new online booking system that is available on our website.   
This is super easy to use and convenient, as you can book anytime. 

COVID Update: My Physio GESAC and Brighton – Open for Essential Treatment!

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Opening Hours

Monday to Friday 8am-7.30pm

Saturday 8am-12pm

Come visit us at:

200 East Boundary Road, Bentleigh East 3165 (Located inside the Glen Eira Sports & Aquatic Centre - GESAC)

Freecall: 1800 MY PHYSIO

Phone: (03) 9570 7181

Triage number: 1300 IM HURT

About Us

MYPHYSIO® was established in 2004. We have been based in Bentleigh East at GESAC (Glen Eira Sports and Aquatic Centre) since 2012. MYPHYSIO® GESAC is a purpose-built, state of the art clinic located in a unique sporting hub, that boasts a highly experienced team of practitioners and a wide range of services. Helping our clients achieve their best is our highest priority!


Career opportunities at MYPHYSIO

If you are interested in a rewarding change of direction, we would be delighted to discuss opportunities. Email:

All our services qualify for Private Health Insurance rebates (Extras cover). No referral required for Private, TAC, Worksafe services. We offer services to Medicare EPC patients, where a valid GP referral is provided. Out of pocket expenses for Medicare EPC services may apply